School Feeding Programmes are the most predominant social protection network in the world, nearly a lot of money is invested, reaching more than millions of schoolchildren worldwide  representing a huge public investment and broad coverage of the school population.

In Peru, SFP are explicitly incorporated into national food and nutrition security (FNS) policy frameworks and becoming part of national social protection policies and systems. At present, almost all places  in the country  are implementing SFP, and about thousands of children are given breakfast, a snack or lunch at school, which requires alot of funds.

Agape hands plays an important role in the fight against hunger and malnutrition in all its forms and contribute to ensuring the human right to adequate food for all schoolchildren. In addition, the NGO contributes to the right to a healthy life and quality education. These programmes have a potential effect on economic development at the national and territorial level and serve as a strategy to fight poverty and food insecurity. Through organized actions, within the NGO frameworks, a significant contribution can be made to the food and nutrition education of students, parents and school staff; and, therefore, to the necessary establishment of healthier eating habits and lifestyles The NGO makes it clear that no one is left behind. In the area of school feeding, this translates into a direct contribution to the fulfillment of different children and societies. The NGO have the potential to contribute significantly to zero hunger, quality education and gender equality. The NGO can also contribute to no poverty, economic growth and reduced inequalities. 

In conclusion, the NGO has come out to as for assistance from ddonators and well-wishers who would wish to help and solve such a problem in the country and it’s societies. The NGO (Agape Hand) provides links to offer well wishes donate to it’s website and other platforms to enable them eradicate such instabilities in Peru.

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