Covid 19 also called as Corona Virus has created fear in mind of all groups of people. Not only adults but also children mind is effected and gone in certain depression levels. People feel helpless and seek positivity to face this trauma.
We all can help each other and support our communities by various ways listed below. All we need is the hope to fight and be positive in every situation.

  • One of the simple way is reaching out to people we know. If one makes a list of people they know and start communicating with them and accessing their need, it can bring hope of living in the society. A friend or a relative may be suffering from anxiety or depression, but a call may be it is a video call or a phone call can improve his situation. Encouraging people to participate in social activities via online social groups in Facebook or other social media platforms can be helpful during tough times especially when everyone is facing isolation.
  • Another way of helping each other is by collecting funds or money for supporting people who are in need of medicines, food, housing and clothing. Supplying masks to every common man so that they remain protective is also a big concern. Creating awareness of maintain hygiene by washing hands or sanitizing should be taught to reduce the effect of virus.
  • Many people lost their jobs during pandemic. They had no money and were living in rented accommodations. So it is the collective efforts of all of us to encourage some practical skill trainings like sewing, cooking, painting, plumbing or basic computer skills organized by government or nonprofit organizations. Most developed countries had ordered landlords to avoid taking rent from tenants during pandemic. However, to serve humanity, it is our duty to help each other in growing financially and use talents for survival.
  • Blood blanks get shortage of blood groups. So every human who is capable of giving blood to these organizations should serve for the humanity as a common cause to save life.
  • We all should be connected together yet practicing social distancing. Until the pandemic is fully over, one should take care of all practices of social distances and wearing masks. Government also restricts the meeting of people at local gatherings or religious places and restaurants. So one should follow the guidelines of local government. In addition, those who are eligible for having vaccinations may get vaccinated.

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