Globally a lot of funds have been used to curb the spread and treat the affected ones but the organisations doing so have experienced an economic break down which calls for a reactivation and our NGO has come up with some measures to reactivate our economy.
We have engage with more of our donors and people who provide grants on communication platforms like Zoom, Facebook, WhatsApp and other communication handles. The organisation has therefore come up with plan to access more donors through it’s website, cancel all minor programs, reduce on the number of running campaigns, avoid immediate compensation of some funds used or loans, engage more in profitable campigns and also seek more aid from global donors hence erecting the economic reactivation of the organisation. The organisation has saved more ever since some of the activities have been put to a halt for example all running sports activities have been paused and the funds have been saved to avoid higher spending and concentrate on core values as the rest may resume with time

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