
From birds and insects, to bats and squirrels, trees provide a canopy and a habitat for many species of wildlife.
Growing of trees can save planet earth. Trees not only save the environment but also purify air.
Education gives us knowledge of the world around us. It develops the perspective of looking around the world.
Agape hand is a Non Profit Organization which not only help people with basic amenities of life like food, clothing and shelter but also overall well being of humanity.
Thanks to our ally #ImpactMarket we were able to deliver baskets of basic necessities to families in extreme poverty 💛.This donation will allow them to have food for families that are still affected by the health emergency 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦.
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We help families and communities living in extreme poverty become self-sufficient and prosper by seeking and actioning effective and personalized solutions.