
School Feeding Programmes are the most predominant social protection network in the world, nearly a lot of money is invested, reaching more than millions of schoolchildren worldwide  representing a huge public investment and broad coverage of the school population. In Peru, SFP are explicitly incorporated into national food and nutrition...
Globally a lot of funds have been used to curb the spread and treat the affected ones but the organisations doing so have experienced an economic break down which calls for a reactivation and our NGO has come up with some measures to reactivate our economy.We have engage with more...
Your organization's identity: You must present yourself as a firm and responsible organization, with competence to achieve its goals.
To help them to have a better future we need your help, together we will buy food from the basic basket and distribute them through the neediest areas of Peru.
Esta semana pudimos apreciar en un importante diario peruano una noticia que resulta preocupante. En una encuesta realizada por dicho periódico se puede apreciar que el número de ciudadanos que hoy en día desistirían de vacunarse aumentó de un 23% en agosto de 2020 a un 48% en enero de...
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AGAPE HAND seeks to overcome poverty in the provinces and departments, through the joint action of its residents and young volunteers.