Accountability and transparency

AGAPE HAND is committed to quality standards and accountability.

AGAPE HAND is committed to meeting standards of quality and accountability. Guided by our rights-based approach and programming principles, we focus on ensuring that our partners and the communities we work with have a voice in the planning, implementation and evaluation of our work. Given the particular vulnerability of disaster-affected populations, we place special emphasis on integrating humanitarian accountability standards into our hunger relief and emergency response work. AGAPE’s Program Impact Reporting and Information System monitors the extent to which we are making progress toward achieving our global impact goals, and our organizational data Annual Report.

Being accountable to our stakeholders means ensuring that we share information in a transparent manner or, when we are unable to satisfy a request for information, provide an explanation. AGAPE HAND publishes a substantial amount of information on the Internet, including strategic plans, annual reports, advocacy policy reports, program reports, research reports, external evaluations and press releases; in our Information Disclosure Policy we also define the types of information that must remain confidential due to practical legal, operational and security considerations. All interested parties have the right to provide feedback to AGAPE HAND, including a complaint, and to receive a response.

Young people from different backgrounds have a huge impact on us and all our activities. They highlight those parts of the society that are broken, so we can help them in all possible ways to regain hope and flourish in life.

AGAPE HAND and its allies have been helping vulnerable people in the rural areas of the Peruvian highlands and jungle. Many of these people are still looking for help.

Zero hunger

End of poverty

Health and wellness

Reduction of equalities

Agape in numbers

Since 2024, we have developed 4 projects, distributed in our 20 lines of action, obtaining outstanding goals and achievements that have contributed to the improvement of the quality of life of more than 25,000 people.

Women benefited
Children Helped
Food Provided
Total Amount Executed
$ 0